Kildavie Field School
*The Kildavie field school will not be running in 2025, please check back for details of future plans, or join the Mailing List*
Our 2019 excavation was a great success, but the project was put on hold during the Covid Pandemic. We are hoping to return in the future to continue to investigate both the settlement and earlier remains in the surrounding area. Full details for the project can be found by following the link below.
Click here for indicative details of the Kildavie Field School
The excavations from 2014 - 2019 helped to uncover some good dating evidence for the site, with some nice glass and pottery artefacts uncovered, as well as giving a good indication into how the buildings were constructed and how the villagers would have lived. We are hoping to uncover more answers from the settlement and will continue to analyse all of the finds. We will be compiling a report on the findings and an eBook for the project in the near future.
The project runs with permission from the North West Mull Community Woodland Company, and the 2016 field school was attended by 18 students from the UK, Europe and North America. Volunteers from the Mull Archaeological Interest Group are a big part of the project and were a great help during the project were they took part in the excavations with us.
We received funding from the Historic Environment Scotland Historic Environment Support Fund that allowed us to run a site open day in 2014, where thirty members of the public came along and got the chance to see an excavation, and this has continued with between 30 and 50 visitors on each of our subsequent open days. The visitors were given site tours by the students to see what we had been up to during the excavation.
We will be adding photos from the field school to our Facebook page, and will be presenting more of our findings here when they are complete. The field school is run by donations from supporters, and fees made by the participants, and if you would like to make a donation to help support the project please have a look at our Support Us page.
We would like to thank the NWMCWC for allowing us to conduct our field school in the Langamull woodland; Historic Scotland for their financial support; and all of the students and volunteers for all of their hard work! We're looking forward to the 2020 season already!
If you would like to view, or download the reports from the first five seasons of fieldwork please click here.